Today I begin to read a famous novel called
Oliver Twist (the main character in this novel) is born a sickly infant in a workhouse. The parish surgeon and a drunken nurse attend his birth. When he was born his mother knows that she will die, so she kisses Oliver Twist, and then she dies, and the nurse announces that Oliver’s mother was found lying in the streets the night before. The surgeon notices that she is not wearing a wedding ring. Oliver Twist become to an orphan. This is the beginning of the novel-Oliver Twist’s life.
Authorities at the workhouse send Oliver to a branch-workhouse for “juvenile offenders against the poor-laws.” There has an overseer called Mrs. Mann in this branch- workhouse, her job is receive an adequate sum for each child’s upkeep, but she keeps most of the money and lets the children go hungry, sometimes even letting them die. On Oliver’s ninth birthday, Mr. Bumble, a minor church official informs Mrs. Mann that Oliver must return to the workhouse. The workhouse offers the poor food for the orphans. One night at dinner, one child tells the others that if he does not have another bowl of gruel he might eat one of them. Terrified, the children at the workhouse cast lots, so they choose that whoever loses shall be required to ask for more food for the boy. Oliver loses, and after dinner, Oliver goes to ask Mr. Bumble that he wants to have more food. His request so shocks the authorities that they offer five pounds as a reward to anyone who will take Oliver off of their hands.
In the parish, Oliver has been flogged and then locked in a dark room as a public example. They want to send Oliver to Mr. Gamfield as an apprentice. Because several boys have died under his supervision, they settle on just over three pounds. They want to secret to transaction; at last the magistrate found Oliver’s face was very white. He asks the boy why he looks so terrified. Oliver falls on his knees and begs that he be locked in a room, beaten, killed, or any other punishment besides being apprenticed to Mr. Gamfield. The magistrate refuses to approve the apprenticeship, and the workhouse authorities again advertise Oliver’s availability.
At last they choose to send Oliver to the parish undertaker. Now he begins to live in the undertaker's shop
Oliver Twist is the main character in this novel, he is an orphan which was very pitiful and has a miserable destiny. When he was born, then his mother died. He’s a good and honest boy and he has a strong heart, he is fight with his fate. He is hungry every. From his life that I can know my life is happily. He is younger than me, but his sprit and heart are bigger than me. I should treasure my life, I should study to him.